Look Out, Sir! Warhammer Podcast

196. The LVO 2025 Previews

Look Out, Sir! Season 1 Episode 196

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Dan is the more competitive minded of the show hosts. Noting that he used to be better at 40k, but these days he’s bang average. But he is one of the few people whose won the prestigious, Warhammer World “Knight of the Inner Circle” award. A try hard gamer with a heart of gold who is as humble as he is handsome. ;)
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/i.r.invested.in.unexpected/ 

Philip is better known as a hobbyist, painter, converter, rather than a gamer. And when Phil is not beavering away on his various projects, he is making/selling his own resin upgrade kits. Philip’s Death Korps of Krieg army has won several Best Army/Painting Awards over the years... take a drink every time they are mentioned! He is presently working on a Minotaurs Space Marine army and an ever-growing Inquisition collection. 
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beyondthetabletop/ 
• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxBqN_9PHjajPLoIKKNi6w 

Thanks very much for taking the time to listen and by extension support our podcast. We hugely appreciate it and hope that you enjoy the show.

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