Look Out, Sir! Warhammer Podcast
At its most basic, the "Look Out, Sir! Warhammer Podcast" is a fortnightly Games Workshop podcast where two long-time friends who have collectively spent far too much of their limited time on this planet collecting, painting, playing small toy soldiers get together over the internet and talk about their crippling addiction to Warhammer and Warhammer Accessories. So, if that sounds like something you might be into, why not give it a listen? You never know, it might just become your favourite podcast. You'll never know for sure until you try.
Still reading? Want to know more about the "Look Out, Sir! Warhammer Podcast"? Um... alright... what else can we tell you.
Listeners of the "Look Out, Sir! Warhammer Podcast" consistently tell hosts Dan and Phil that they like the fact it's two mates talking about their shared fondness of Warhammer. They say it's like being down the pub with your pals talking about something you're collectively passionate about. They also like how Dan and Phil represent a more general hobbyist vibe. Dan's a bit more try-hard at gaming than Phil and Phil spend more time painting stuff then Dan does. It's a good mixture.
Parents like to listen along with their children as the "Look Out, Sir! Warhammer Podcast" is one of the few out there where the hosts are seemingly able to not consistently F and Jeff every few words. Which won't seem that impressive until you meet and chat with Dan in person somewhere. He swears like a sailor the naughty boy. But when it comes to the "Look Out, Sir! Warhammer Podcast", the hosts are often cheeky, but never blue.
"Look Out, Sir! Warhammer Podcast" is advertising free. Dan and Phil decided a few episodes in that they can't be doing with advertising and that they're no good at talking to guests who are only really appearing on the Pod to plug something to the "Look Out, Sir! Warhammer Podcast" audience. Bar the bit of blurb in the 5 Star Review Section where we tell you about our own Merchandise and Patreon, you won't be getting advertised to.
Please note this statement is true on the assertion we haven't accidentally added some copyright claimed material to the Pod which has resulted in that materials rightful owner claiming ad revenue via adding ads to said Pod. Also... we might change our minds about this at some point in the future. But if and when we do, you shouldn't be seeing this message.
I can only assume that if you're reading this bit, you either really like the "Look Out, Sir! Warhammer Podcast" or you really dislike the "Look Out, Sir! Warhammer Podcast". Hopeful it's the former of the two options, and assuming it is, thanks for supporting the Pod! We hugely appreciate your support and hope that you continue to enjoy the show.
Look Out, Sir! Warhammer Podcast
198. New Aeldari Codex Review and Beachhead Brawl 40k 2025 Event Vibes
In EPISODE ONE HUNDRED NINETY-EIGHT (198) of the "LOOK OUT, SIR! 40K" Podcast we discuss the following Warhammer related topics:
2:38 – THE 5 STAR REVIEW BIT | APPLE PODCASTS USA | Brother Captain Joe
Please consider supporting us on PATREON, which occasionally features fancy EXCLUSIVE CONTENT: https://www.patreon.com/lookoutsir40k
We also have MERCHANDISE: https://www.rev-level.com/lookoutsir40k
We repeatedly ask for community questions via our Facebook and Instagram accounts and get notified when new episodes are live.
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lookoutsir/
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lookoutsir40k/
• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/lookoutsir40k
Dan is the more competitive minded of the show hosts. Noting that he used to be better at 40k, but these days he’s bang average. But he is one of the few people whose won the prestigious, Warhammer World “Knight of the Inner Circle” award. A try hard gamer with a heart of gold who is as humble as he is handsome. ;)
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/i.r.invested.in.unexpected/
Philip is better known as a hobbyist, painter, converter, rather than a gamer. And when Phil is not beavering away on his various projects, he is making/selling his own resin upgrade kits. Philip’s Death Korps of Krieg army has won several Best Army/Painting Awards over the years... take a drink every time they are mentioned! He is presently working on a Minotaurs Space Marine army and an ever-growing Inquisition collection.
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beyondthetabletop/
• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxBqN_9PHjajPLoIKKNi6w
Thanks very much for taking the time to listen and by extension support our podcast. We hugely appreciate it and hope that you enjoy the show.